Everyone knows I'm a lover of adventures big and small, so the prospect of 3 days filled with camping, cooking, gem mining, and a 50 Mile ultra trail race made me happier than Cheech & Chong on a Jamaican vacation.
Friday: The Adventure Begins
I headed down to Parson's Mountain Recreation Center in Abbeville, SC on Friday night, hoping to set up camp before dark. I almost made it, too, save for the need to hunt down some firewood*. Apparently, firewood for sale is one of those things you only see when you don't actually need it.
Figuring I had a better chance to find it nearer the campsite, I stopped at a convenience store with a kind of "Dukes of Hazzard" meets "Handy Mart" theme going on. I asked the nice guy behind the big wooden counter if they had firewood for sale, and was not surprised when he said no. But then he says he knows a guy about a 1/4 mile down the road that usually has firewood for sale. He picks up his phone and calls the guy! Then, he jumps over the big wooden counter and tells his assistant that he'll be right back- he's going to show me the way. Dang! People in South Carolina are niiiice!
So I follow this guy down the road thinking if things don't look right when we get there I'll just keep driving. Soon, convenience store guy pulls over in front of a trailer and bangs on the door. Eventually, "T. Rex" the firewood selling guy comes out, drunk as, well a guy named T. Rex on a Friday night, and loads my car up with primo firewood. No charge! Although he did ask me several tims if I were married.
I rolled into camp about 9:00 p.m, found a nice secluded campsite, set up camp and waited for Charles to arrive.
Saturday: Diamond Hill Mine
After sleeping in, we enjoyed a great breakfast cooked over the campfire. We headed out about 20 miles northeast to the town of Antreville, SC to Diamond Hill (Mine). The Diamond Hill, LLC owns the Diamond Hill quartz digging area and with prior permission, visitors are allowed to enter the Property and search/dig for rocks and crystals.
After sleeping in, we enjoyed a great breakfast cooked over the campfire. We headed out about 20 miles northeast to the town of Antreville, SC to Diamond Hill (Mine). The Diamond Hill, LLC owns the Diamond Hill quartz digging area and with prior permission, visitors are allowed to enter the Property and search/dig for rocks and crystals.
I had no idea what to expect. But after we arrived we got the lay of the land and spoke with a few people about where to look for gems. We just started looking around, and before we knew it, we were actually finding treasures. I can't explain the thrill of finding something bright and shiny. It's very fun and very addictive. I saw the attraction immediately!
Look at how much fun the kids are having playing in the dirt:

Certainly a day of gem mining wouldn't tire us out too much to run a mere 50 miles..
Sunday: Long Cane 50 57-Mile Race
From our campsite, we walked the 3/4 of a mile to the start of the race. I noticed the air was cool, the leaves were just starting to turn, the lake was beautiful in the morning mist, and some clouds dotted the sky creating patterns of light and shadow across the landscape. "Ah, yes," I thought, "a perfect day for trail running."
It was fabulous to see old friends again, even if only for a minute. I always look forward to the brief pre-race time just for this reason.
It was fabulous to see old friends again, even if only for a minute. I always look forward to the brief pre-race time just for this reason.
Hello's and hugs went out to the usual suspects: Jason R., Jason S., Dan Hartley, Chad Henderson, Byron Backer, Dave Pryor, Terry Foxworth, Denise Davis, Scott Hadukovich, Lester Farmer, and many, many more.

I was especially thrilled to be reunited with Jim Plant and Rebecca, who I ran with for the final miles at Enoree Passage. Meeting Greta Dobe for the first time was also a highlight of the day.

Soon enough, we were gathering for Terri's pre-race talk. Basically, the course consisted of two loops around the Long Cane Horse Trail, but runners had to extend the first loop with two crossings along a middle trail in the middle of the loop. The first 32 miles of the course were run in a figure-8 pattern by crossing the middle loop once before circling the top end of the loop and circling back to the start on the opposite trail.
However, Terri's instructions had my head swimming in visions of high school math problems (A is to B is to C as 4 is to...wtf?).

At 7:00 a.m. we were sent on our way.
The first memorable moment I had was seeing Jim Plant, who I had not seen since Enoree Passage. He greets me with, "I see you've been emracing your midlife crisis, Psyche." Hahahaha! What a great way to start the run!
Possibly my favorite moment, though came about 41/2 miles in. Suddenly the trail was not marked and you could clearly go left OR right. About 8 of us all stopped, gathered around and discussed the possibilities. Classic! I love this picture:

Many, many miles later it became apparent that the course was going to be way long. At long last, though, we emerged from the trail to see Terri and Jim Plant and two other volunteers waiting for us at the dark pavilion picnic table area. Terri cheered us on as we walked to the picnic table and sat down.
We finished a distance of roughly 57 miles or so in about 15 hours, even if the last 5-7 miles weren't much more than a power walk.

Thanks for another great race and great adventure, Terri.
See you on the Trails soon!
* Because if you, too, were camping for the Chattooga 50K you know what a drag it is to have wood that will not burn. Or matches that will not light. Or feet that will not stay on trail.
Great job on a looooong course Pysche! I always enjoy your reports....
ReplyDeleteman! I'm all-the-more sad that I missed this ~ I would have so enjoyed tagging along with y'all on Saturday, and cheering you on Sunday. You make a vicarious adventure almost as fun, though, Psyche, Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGreat job, Psyche! I loved the report as well and I wish that I had been around more to hang out with y'all at the campsite. Thanks to you and Charles for lifting my spirits when I was nearing the 32-mile turnaround.
ReplyDeleteGreat job! I see a belt buckle in your future!
ReplyDelete"Cheech & Chong on a Jamaican vacation"....too much, just too much you goof....I still say bonus miles are overrated :)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to get back out and see you on the trails!
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing! Good Lord 57 miles!?! You did awesome as always:) I enjoyed your race report and pictures!
ReplyDeleteI biked 50 miles and thought it was too much. Way to go.
ReplyDeleteI see Charles got bloody nipples in the last photo - hope that's the worst of what happened.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on finishing a 50! You didn't get to describing the run itself until the very end; guess it wasn't the interesting part of the weekend...
Yea for Adventure!! Glad to see you got the most out of the weekend and the run!! Seems like a habit of yours:)
ReplyDeleteNICE WORK!!!!!!!! I can't even imagine going that far. Seriously - that is amazing.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Thomas - you're totally going to end up with a belt buckle.
Simply amazing
ReplyDeleteI like the part where you wrote that you usually feel bad for the first 30 miles.
ReplyDelete...yeah, happens to me alllllll the time.
Good work on the extra, extra long race ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are rattling off those ultras like nothing.
I am feeling out of shape after reading this.... wait... I AM out of shape.
Keep up the good work.
The race seems so interesting and challenging. The event is tough and looks everyone is happy to it. Good post too.