Awww... *
This week seems to be full of awwww moments and other assorted warm fuzzies. Which is to say, it's been a pretty good week so far.
First, this is the week of my birth and, coincidentally, I am celebrating it by attempting a PR at the Half Marathon. Whether I PR or not, I just love that these two events coincide this year. I also love that I feel prepared to run a decent HM right now. This race is also in Charlotte, covering many of the streets my last marathon was run on, so there's always the hope of wrapping up some unfinished business.
Yesterday, I spoke with someone on the Race Committee at CMLC (Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy). I was pleased

Today I'm looking forward to the UPS arrival of John L. Parker's follow up to "Once A Runner", Again to Carthage. Also arriving- a new foam roller. I am strangely excited by the arrival of my very own, at home, torture device. I can stop feeling like a perv at the Y when I go to town on their foam roller. OK, now I just feel dirty.
This morning, I read a very inspiration set of posts by Scott Dunlap over at A Trail Runner's Blog. In the first post he captures what I think is true about balance and the second one captures what I feel when I run longer and longer. I love my time on the road for working through life's issues.
Here's to a great day and a great week. I leave you with a birthday quote of sorts:
Use your health, even to the point of wearing it out. That is what it is for. Spend all you have before you die; do not outlive yourself.
- Bernard Shaw
[ORN: Obligatory Running Note] Set out for an easy 7 miler after work yesterday. I'd been at my desk all day, so I was way over-dressed for 45 degree weather. I ended up cutting the run down to 4 miles. It just felt like something I should do. I felt sort of depleted, and so I thought I'd save up some energy for Wednesday's MP intervals. "3 x 2 miles @ MP w/ a steady 1/2 mile in between" sounds super easy on paper, but I'm finding it to be a dang good workout. With a 3 mile warm up and 2 mile cool down, that's 12 miles of goodness.
* This moment was brought to you by last night's episode of HIMYM
Happy Birthday! I hope you make that half marathon a PR reality.
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing out the book. I loved reading "Once a Runner" and look forward to checking it out.
Happy Birthday!!! Good luck with the half marathon PR!! Your half marathon time is almost seven minutes faster than mine!! You are much faster at the longer distances:) Hell, I am just hoping to get under 2:00 at my next half!! I hope that you have a great week!!
ReplyDeleteHIMYM was awesome last night! I might have to make the drive up from Savannah for the Run for the Hills 5k!
ReplyDeleteThe week of your birth? That 168 hours of labor must be a record.
ReplyDeleteI heart that Shaw quote. A lot.